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Boating Rules



1. Equipment Required:


A. Approved Coast Guard flotation device for each person aboard and being towed.


B. Power Propelled Boats


  • Front and rear lights if operating after sunset.

  • Effective sounding device/horn (not required under 16').

  • Approved Fire Extinguisher (for Class 1 boat over 16').

  • Ladder (required when towing persons).


II.   Safety Rules


A. Power propelled boats shall operate in a safe and responsible way at a safe speed.  Right of way must be given to swimmers, un-powered boats (sailboats, rowboats, windsurfers, etc.) and all other power boats of lesser horsepower.  The power propelled boat operator is responsible for any damage caused by his wake.


B. No child under the age of 16 may operate a power propelled boat of greater  than 25 horsepower without a state approved safety course certificate.


C. Traffic flow on Lake George shall be in a counter clockwise direction.


D. No person under the influence of liquor or drugs may operate a power propelled boat (legal definition of “under the influence” for power boats is the same as a car by the Commonwealth).


E. No power propelled boat may operate at greater than five (5) miles per hour within 100 feet of shoreline, including bathing beaches.


F.  Power Propelled boats towing skiers shall be occupied by a minimum of two (2) persons (driver and observer 12 years or older).


G. Power propelled boats may tow a maximum of two (2) skiers (unless authorized by Town Selectmen and accompanied by a watch boat).


H. Maximum length of a ski rope is 75 feet.

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