August 27, 2016 Summer Meeting Notes
In Attendance:
BERNIE & ANALIA ST. GEORGE * Miguel Wobice Nobre
Ed Boyce Karen Wilshire
Michael Foster
Bill T turned the meeting over to Dick P for nominations. Nominating Committee: Jack L John C and Dick P
It was voted to keep the same committee members:
President: Bill Terry
Vice President: Bob Baker
Treasurer: Judy McKain
Secretary: Kathy Andre
David Hamel
Sam Florida (Former President)
Jack Leveillee (Former President)
Stan Abamczgk, Lakeland Beach Club
Dick Pisciotta
Bob Reidy
Thom Dearborn
Bill T - seconded; Secretary - Kathy accepted
Weed Management:
Wales Conservation Committee and DEP approved plan for three years. Lake treated earlier this year. Should we treat for lily pads? Bob R to send survey about lily pad treatment this year to the group. *Post meeting results were 90% voted to postpone treating the lily pads until next year.
Judy discussed not wanting to lose town funding for July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017. We should treat weeds before the end of the fiscal year. (June 2017)
Brush was cut along Rt 19 to keep the dam clean.
Beavers: This Spring a mother was spotted with 3-4 babies. Lake Association did not receive any reports of nuisance activity.
Water Monitoring: Bob R: working with Solitude Lake Management for lake temperature monitoring. Lake measured up to 82 degrees at 12 feet in the center of the lake. Dissolved oxygen has been good; 5 - 7 all year,
Lakeland Beach was closed for one week in June because of E.coli. Water runoff goes through catch basins and two wastewater treatment tanks that filter the solids. Salt level tested in range this summer.
Ed Boyce: Suggested we test this winter, in an area that didn't freeze, for salt after a storm melt.
Hydro-raking: 27 hours were raked the first week in May. Ed B said we cannot use the transfer station to dispose of muck.
Anyone interested in hydro-raking should contact Bob Baker. His contact information is located at www.lakegeorgemass.com
Draw Down: Lake Management Plan: Draw down begins on November 1 and ends December 1. This does not allow us to bring the Lake down as much as we would like. We requested a waiver from the State to expand the draw down time, but were denied. On January 15, we will bring the lake up one foot and by April 1 it should be 100% full.
Group Feedback:
Can we donate money to pay for new sand at Sickols Beach? Town owned; will need to ask Town; must go before the Conservation Commission for their stamp of approval. *Post meeting: President Bill T sent an email to Selectman Ed Boyce offering matching funds to add sand to the Town Beach.
Bernie St George suggested we have an Annual Social (pot luck) and encourage people to participate at the beginning or end of the season. This could help encourage people to join the Lake Association and to pay their dues! Bob R seconded the idea and suggested that Bernie take the lead while he offered assistance. Later in the meeting, Rick Doyle also offered to help with the event. *Post meeting: we are looking for another volunteer.
Group discussed having a tag sale/fund raiser; sell t-shirts.
Mike Foster: Asked about water drainage - where does it go? Bob R answered: New catch basins (storm drain) and filtered wastewater tanks.
Miguel asked if the hydro-raking was only done once a year and why? Bob to send out survey about lily pads. Bob R will checkout purchasing large quantities of Muck-a-Way from Solitude.
Dick P sent out 75 letters (Dick's picking up Jack's gauntlet) to people on Rt 19.
**Bill I don't know what this is about; thought you may want to add something
55 people/families have participated in 2015 - 2016 in some fashion. (attending a meeting, paying dues or donating to the Millennium Fund)
The group was encourage to fence in their property around the lake to discourage geese.
11:15 Meeting Adjourned
E. Coli Information
At the Lake Association Meeting on May 28th a few attendees asked for more details on the E. coli testing that the Town does at the 4 beaches. Below is some information:
We talked to the staff at Eurofins Spectrum Analytical in Agawam. They indicated that it is NOT possible to determine whether the E. coli comes from animal or human fecal matter. I briefly explained our geese population/behavior and they strongly guess that they are the problem with high E. Coli tests.
E. coli in our lakes: What does it really mean?
2016 Spring Meeting Notes
On Saturday. May 28, 2016, the Lake Association (LGA) Directors meeting was held at the Wales Irish Pub at 10:30 a.m. Directors Dick Pisciotta,, Bill Terry, Robert Reidy, Kathy Andre-Reidy and Judy McKain attended, Some twenty to twenty-five attended. Bill wanted to recognize Ed Boyce on winning another term in office and for his history addressing lake issues.
A small family of beavers was seen in the southern cove this spring. No tree damage has been observed. There has been several sightings of otters along the shore. Other animals that have been seen are blue heron, hawks, and owls. Geese continue to be an issue. Will contact Solitude in Virginia for any ideas/suggestions.
Lake Management Plan Approval
The LMP has been approved by a vote of four to zero by the Conservation Committee; they haven’t issued the order of conditions. The RFP should be released shortly to treat the lake. LMP can be viewed online at www.LakeGeorgeMass.com.
Water Monitoring
The lake monitoring program is continuing this year. We are testing for temperature, disolved oxygen, and other readings. At this point, all readings look very good. There have been sightings of green slime on shoreline “goopy.” Water tested for e coli (animal or human); it is important we monitor for this (cost $25 each test) Bob Reidy will look into this.
Bill T: Judy, as treasurer, make motion to fund Bob’s monitoring (up to ten times) – John second motion. Anyone against, Bill Y cast vote to do.
Culvert: it has been voted by the association that we monitor this area due to the proximity to the lake. The association has approved funds to do water quality testing in this area. Road Sanding/Salt. Road sand is 10% salt. Can’t avoid salting Union Road; Board to check on salt; can they reduce sand/salt?
Lake Treatment
We don’t treat lily pads every year and we don’t treat all of them; we want to modify not eradiate them. Town matches funds up to $3K to treat weeds and lily pads. Lake should be treated before water gets too warm and weeds too tall. Ed Boyce doesn’t want to wait until July to start treatment; suggested Lake Association make first payment. Bill S. has used Muck-A-Way and said it works well, but slowly and cost $80. Pond Stores carry it and it’s available on Amazon.
Lakeland Beach Club
Stan said they are doing better. Have had a lot of property changes and there is much more interest. Stan volunteered to monitor the culvert.
Hydro Raking
The 2016 hydro raking program was a huge success! Over 27 hours of hydro raking was performed on multiple properties. This is a significant increase over years past.
Don't forget to check out the lake association for up to date news at: www.lakegeorgemass.com or
Facebook group: Friends of Lake George Mass
A special thanks goes out to Bill Anair - the best dam keeper in all of Wales.
Next meeting will be the end of August.
Notice of Public Meeting: Lake Management Plan
Dear Stake Holder(s): On behalf of the Wales Board of Selectmen the Lake Study Committee has developed a comprehensive Lake Management Plan using draw down, hydro-raking, herbicide treatments and the reduction of external nutrient loading. The Plan was filed with the Wales Conservation Commission as a Notice of Intent (NOI) and with the Mass Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). DEP has assigned a NOI number of WE 314-0154. A copy of the Lake Management Plan upon request can be e-mailed to you or a copy may be picked up at Town Hall. A Public Meeting will be held at Town Hall at 7:30 PM on May 2, 2016. Yourinput is very important to assist the effort to maintain our Lake as pristine as possible. Thank you for your continued Lake George interest and support! Very truly yours, Lake Study Committeepring Lake Association Meeting
Spring Lake Association Meeting SAVE THE DATE !!
May 28, 2016 - Tentatively scheduled for 10:00 a.m. at the Wales Irish Pub
Please make an effort to attend the meeting. If you have any items you would like included on the agenda, please contact us.
DRAFT Lake Management Plan
The draft plan that is being presented to the town on April 4, 2016 is available for review on the Resources Page on this site.
Final 2015 Lake Monitoring Statistics
The document can be downloaded from the Resources page on this site.
Lake Association Meeting
May 30, 2015 10:00 a.m. Wales Irish Pub
On Saturday, May 30, 2015, the Lake George Association (LGA) met at 10:00 a.m. at the Irish Pub. Directors: Judy McKain, Bill Terry, Bob Baker, Bob Reidy and Dick Pisciotta attended.
Other attendees: JoAnn Luchon, Bill Luchon, Kelley Bourcier, David Bourcier, Mike Palumbo, John Kadow, Stanley Wilga, Barbara Bowling, Kathy Andre Reidy and Stanley Adamczyk
First item on agenda: vote taken to nominate Kathy Andre Reidy as Secretary (Dick Pisciotta, Bill Terry and Judy McCain)
Bill Terry reviewed the following:
Lycott merged/bought out by Aquatic Control Technology. Hydro raking went well with 15 people (3 new) utilizing the service and another signed up for next year.
Lake Study Committee is working with the town to update the Lake Study Committee Report.
Trying to renew license to manage lake – weed control and lily pads. DEP extended license one year. This is a non-issue for this year but next year it will be an issue.
DEP series of question (technical terms) will cost real money – habitant study cost $2,500. WE need to make this happen.
Question 6: Do you use your dam for water control? Answer No.
Bill Terry drafted a letter to Aquatic Control Technology; waiting for a response from DEP.
Waiting for a response from DEP to the Town of Wales. Would anyone be interested in joining the Lake Study Committee?
Bill trying to reach engineering firm that did the work on Union Road. They would have baseline study (third party); need file number to get information.
We paid to have beavers removed. Town paid $400; we paid $400. We will have to go through this again in the future.
Two people saw a beaver yesterday going toward the dam. To remove beavers we need the Health Department’s approval or a special order from the Board of Selectmen. If you have any beaver problems, let Bill T know.
Town Meeting residents here: Judy McKain – Town passed $3K line item matching funds for lake management.
Bob Reidy: lake testing will begin tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. to test water temperature, air temperature, water clarity, etc. and will check every couple of weeks. Judy said water temperature was 75 yesterday.
Judy McKain gave the Treasure’s Report as of May 30, 2015:
Checking account $3,117.47
Millennium account $7,330.45
Certificate of Deposit not updated
Bill strongly recommends we treat lake this year (weeds and lily pads) as there was no treatment last year. What time of year to treat lake? Selectmen proposal to treat lake sent out for June 3. Bids to Lake Study and Lake Association will fund.
Local Conservation Committee takes information from DEP. We have an assigned number from DEP; file WE 3/4-0151 that gives us license to do some things.
Drawdown started under current license – reverts back to state standard. Start November 1 – stop December 1. Start refilling January 15 – April 1 until lake level is where it normally should be. This will help control weeks and lily pads. Called Fish and Wildlife; they can rule you go outside parameters under extreme circumstances. Start by 10/1.
Judy gave an update on Lakeland Beach Club: Beach Club is not doing well and they don’t know how long they will stay above water; people are not joining/paying. Should/can we help out? Five years ago we gave them $1,000 (donated) and they recently had three new members join. Small group trying to take care of it. Little positive; handful trying to keep it up. They tried a fundraiser – not cost effective, had raffles, minimal turnout. Ramp road is beat up and not maintained.
Ed Parker, Lakeland Beach Club, has gone to Carolinas and sold his property. Rep from Lakeland Beach club will be at director’s next meeting.
Discussed unique membership – “ramp membership” where they will pay yearly fee which could be a money generator. 50 – 60 deeded (47 – 48 highest they’ve ever had join). Need 45 – 50 to join to be solvent – cut grass, test water, permit expenses, posted “swim at your own risk.”
Newsletter: everyone at the meeting received it electronically. Suggested everyone go to the neighbor to the left and right to see if they received theirs. Trying to get everyone on the electronic list. More people – more power!
Judy asked about the “water safety” books. Kathy will look into it; she believes they are available online only. Research to see about adding this link on our website. We will send everyone the link once it’s posted.
Miscellaneous: Bill: Sickels boat ramp falling apart. Group again addressed the issue of Lakeland – should we have a fund raiser. Discussed having a paralegal or attorney draft a letter regarding legal responsivity of paying dues. What does their deed say? Have an amnesty period – pay last year and this year and wipeout previous years.
Next meeting will be the end of August with a Director’s meeting based on need.
Meeting adjourned.
Beaver Update
November 20, 2014
Eight Beavers were removed from Lake George and the swamp south of the Lake. Malcolm is done.
Memo from Bill Terry
RE: Beaver Removal & Draw Down
November 4, 2014
The Wales Board of Selectmen (BOS) voted tonight to remove the beavers in the Lake and swamps around the Lake at a cost of $100.00 per beaver. A permit to remove beavers will be issued tomorrow. The beaver removal will start this Friday. The offer by the Lake Association to pay 50% of the cost of removal up to $800.00 (total of 16 beavers) was accepted.
The DEP demanded that the early October draw-down be stopped and restarted November 1st (the Town complied). The Lake Committee reviewed with the BOS tonight the approved Order of Conditions, DEP File #319-0133, which states Wales may start draw-down October 1st (DEP was out of line!). Draw-down will re-start tomorrow!
Minutes of the September 6, 2014 Meeting
On Saturday, September 6, 2014, the Lake George Association (LGA) met at 10:00 AM at the Irish Pub, Wales, MA.
Directors Dick Pisciotta, Judy McKain, Bill Terry and Bob Baker attended. Some twenty (20) members attended.
• Dick Pisciotta, chairman, John Kadow and Jack Levellee, the Nomination Committee, listed
their slate of officers: Bill Terry, President/Clerk; Judy McKain, Treasurer; Bob Baker, Vice President; Bo Boronski, David Hamel, Sam Florida, Dick Pisciotta, Jack Leveillee, Frank Parker for Lakeland Beach Club, Bob Reidy and Tom Dearborn as Directors. Having no other nominations, Dick Pisciotta cast the single vote to accept. All agreed.
• Judy McKain gave the Treasurer’s Report as of September 6, 2014:
Checking account $3,186.54
Millennium account $6,629.40
Bill Terry motioned acceptance and all agreed.
The Lake was not treated for weeds or lilly pads this year due to a concern that our lake had a large fish kill last year. Mass Fish and Wildlife determined that it was a natural occurrence as a result of extremely warm water (87 degrees). When the water gets that warm, dissolved oxygen levels decrease and results in the death of certain fish. When the lake was treated last year, the water temperature was 81 degrees and that temperature did not affect the dissolved oxygen levels in the water.
• Selectmen, Ed Boyce, toured the Lake mid July and then again in late August so that he could see the weed growth. Ed agreed we need to get back to weed treatments.
• All agreed that the Lake Association should treat earlier in the season, should consider temperature [do not treat if the lake is above 80 degrees] and treat as little an area as needed (no treatment along the dam/Route 19 and the north lake line from the dam to the first house past the Town Beach on Union Road).
• Bill Terry asked if people were having Beaver issues. Leaugeay Taylor reported she is at the the south east cove of the lake and has regular beaver activity (trees being cut down). Bill Terry suggested that she call Bill Shires who headed up the removal of seven (7) beavers two years ago. Bill Terry committed to request that the Directors again pay a bounty for each beaver removed by a licensed removal person and certified by the property owner.
• Bob Reidy advised that he has been logging water temperature and will post the results on our website. He advised that he has just gotten equipment that will allow him to monitor Conductivity, Temperature, Depth, Dissolved Oxygen and Total Dissolved Solids PH. Bob has activated a Lake George Lake Association website and will maintain it for a cost of about $50 dollars per year. The web address www.LakeGeorgeMass.com was given to all.
• Bill Terry asked if the newsletter should include a repeat article on boat safety rules. All agreed that reprinting the article was ok.
• Bill Terry advised that Bob Baker will have the hydro raker scheduled in early May. This last spring some 15 hours of raking was done. Anyone wanting to hydro rake should give written notice to Bob by March 1st.
• Having no more business to conduct, Bill Terry motioned and Judy McKain seconded:
To adjourn at 11:05 am. All agreed.
Summer 2014 Newsletter
How are the weeds in your area? Due to not treating the weeds and pads this year, they are now growing out of control!
Annual Meeting
On September 6, 2014, at 10:00 AM, the Lake Association will hold its annual meeting and elections at the Wales Irish Pub. Please plan on attending to hear what we have done and plan to do to continue our Lake stewardship. If you are interested in becoming more involved, please call Bill Terry at (413) 245-1164.
The Association needs your help!
Lake Weed Control
The Weed Control and Lilly Pad treatments will not be done this year. Due to the Natural Fish Kill last year, it was agreed that we would take a year off to see the effects of not treating. This year there was a Yellow Perch fish kill in July with no weed treatment to blame. Richard Hartley of the Division of Fish and Wildlife who is the “fish kill state official” has ruled that weed treatments are not the reason we have fish kills.
Weed control treatments are self-funded by donations. We will again ask the Town at Town Meeting to consider approving matching funds up to the amount of $3,000.00.
Our thanks to everyone who contributed to the Millennium Account to help pay for herbicide treatments. If we missed acknowledging your contribution please let us know! The following contributed last year and this year and who have not been recognized to date:
Bernice Laurin Robert & Clauda Clapprood Thomas & Maureon Fregeal
David Hamel Sue Petrone & Leo Janes John & Jeannette Leveillee
Charles & Eileen Hatton Karen Outlaw Bill & Cathy Terry
Beavers were expanding around the Lake but with the removal of seven (7) of them in 2013 we have not had extensive beaver activity thus far this year (large trees being cut down). However, the Beavers have started to return this season (few sightings were reported) therefore we need to be aware that steps may need to be taken to keep the beaver activity under control.
Boating (repeat article)
Please do not open your motor exhaust baffles on the Lake! Noise travels over the water for all to deal with! Boaters need to use caution and consider the safety of others as well as their own. When operating around boaters who are fishing or are in smaller crafts, take care to control your wake. Never anchor within 100 feet of another boat. Never run too fast for conditions! Do not create a wake within 100 feet of shore. You are legally responsible for any damage resulting from a wake created by your boat. Please exercise common courtesy and offer assistance if you see a fellow boater in trouble. Do not make noise on the Lake before 10:00 am on the weekends. We have included the Boating Rules and Regulations for your use. To report an infraction call the Mass Environmental Police (800) 632-8075 or the Wales Police 245-7844.
Lycott Environmental was on the Lake in May. They held the rate for Hydro-raking at $150 per hour. If you wish to consider hydro-raking in the future please e-mail Bob Baker at bkbaker20@comcast.net. Bob needs everyone to sign up by the end of March so we can keep our May Hydro-raking date.
Annual Dues
We have twenty three (23) paid members of a potential 100 property owners directly on the lake or with beach rights. In addition to annual dues, your contribution to help keep the lake healthy is needed. The most direct way to support weed treatments is to mail your contribution to the:
Millennium Account
C/o Lake George Lake Association
P.O. Box 824
Wales, MA 01081
New Ideas
Please consider how and what other association do and different things that the Lake George Lake Association might do and share it with us! Our mission is “to care for Lake George”. We are always looking for interesting ideas on how to accomplish our goals. We have a “Lake Association e-mail list” for ease of communication. Have you given us your e-mail address? Please consider contributing your ideas by e-mail to waleslakegeorge@aol.com, by calling any director or by sending a letter to:
Lake George Lake Association
P. O. Box 824
Wales, MA 01081
Cat and Small Dog Safety
At dusk and Dawn red foxes have been sighted chasing cats. The foxes seem to be unafraid of people (they cannot be chased away).
Boat Ramp Membership Being Considered
The Lakeland Beach Club (LBC) is considering offering to owners of Lake front property in Wales a boat ramp membership that will allow usage of the LBC boat ramp only. The annual membership fee is to be determined. If you are interested and wish more information you can call Frank Parker at (413) 273-2118 or e-mail at smcca67680@aol.com.
Fish Kill Meeting
Town of Wales 4/26/2014
2013 Fish Kill Meeting
Definition: The term fish kill, known also as fish die-off and (in Britain) as fish mortality, is a localized die-off of fish populations which may also be associated with more generalized mortality of aquatic life.[1][2] The most common cause is reduced oxygen in the water, which in turn may be due to factors such as drought, algae bloom, overpopulation, or a sustained increase in water temperature. Infectious diseases and parasites can also lead to fish kill. Toxicity is a real but far less common cause of fish kill
Summary of Responses from State Agencies & Lycott
Lake George, Wales summary prepared for Wales Board of Selectman 10/28/2013
The following Lake George fish kills have been reported to The Division (DFW):
May 1991, natural sunfish and perch kill investigated by DFW
May 2000, natural sunfish kill investigated by DFW
June 2011, natural sunfish kill
September 2012, white perch kill investigated by DFW
July 2013, natural mixed species kill (dominated by White Perch) investigated by DFW and DEP
(Letter from the Division of Fisheries & Wildlife)
Dear Mr Terry:
In response to your letter dated September 6, 2013 requesting information on the contributing factors that caused the fish kill this past July at Lake George, I offer the following summary:
If the lake were exposed to a pollutant or toxic substance, we would expect to see all these species (and year classes) impacted at about the same rate. When it is dominated by a single species, we generally attribute the kill to a natural event such as spawning stress or an epizootic (a bacteria, virus, etc. that attacks a specific species or family of fish). Although the witness reported that the kill was in fact dominated by one species, a DFW Fisheries Biologist did investigate on 7/22 and confirmed that there were many dead white perch in the 6-8” range that had been dead a couple of days.
DFW again sent a biologist to investigate since the latest eye witness report was that the species composition of the kill had changed from one species to multiple species. DFW confirmed that the species composition had in fact shifted to a kill dominated by small Yellow Perch with very low numbers (less than 10) of four other common species (including the original White Perch). DEP’s observations showed no evidence of pollution and their water quality readings (dissolved oxygen, temperature and pH were within normal ranges). Due to the fact that the lake had been treated with aquatic herbicides approximately one week before the fish kill was first reported (7/15/13), and the lake had been experiencing unusually high water temperatures due to an extended heat wave, it has been suggested that this activity in fact caused the subsequent kill.
As investigated, it isn’t possible to ascertain the exact cause of the kill, since, being dominated by one species; it was not perceived as a public health concern. The kill was likely the result of a combination of factors, namely increasing bacterial counts as a result of the extremely high water temperatures and resultant lower dissolved oxygen levels which may have been exacerbated by the decay of the vegetation.
Regardless of what caused this kill, the agencies involved in licensing and permitting herbicide applications and the fish kill committee will coordinate to make sure that we are continuing to do everything within our power to make sure all lake management techniques are conducted in the safest possible manner. In the meantime, the lake committee may want to recommend curtailing herbicide applications during periods of extended high water temperatures. I hope this summary was helpful and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Sincerely, Richard A. Harley -- Fish Kill Coordinator
Dear Mr. Terry:
In accordance with the Order of conditions, DEP File #314-0133, expiration date May 18, 2015, Lycott Environmental , Inc. (Lycott) is pleased to provide a summary of the 2013 management activities.
A single treatment event occurred in Lake George during the 2013 management season on July 15, 2013. At least two weeks prior to the treatment event, written notifications were sent to the Wales Conservation Commission, Wales Board of Selectman, Wales Board of Health.
A pre-management survey was conducted immediately prior to the July 15th treatment. During this survey, a total of seven (7) aquatic vegetation species were observed in Lake George.
In addition to aquatic vegetation, trace and moderate growth of filamentous algae were noted along the eastern shoreline and southern coves, respectively, in Lake George.
Following the survey, a treatment was conducted utilizing ten (10) gallons of the herbicide Reward (active ingredient diquat) and (5) gallons of the algaecide Captain (a chelated copper compound) to control Tape Grass and Bladderwort. A combination of Reward and Captain are needed to effectively manage Bladderwort.
On September 13, 2013 a post-management survey was conducted by two Lycott biologists to assess the distribution and densities of submerged vegetation species in Lake George following the 2013 treatment activities. A total of (9) aquatic vegetation species were noted during the post-treatment survey. These species included all the above mentioned species, excluding Snailseed Pondweed, and three additional species – Ribbon-Leaf Pondweed (Potamogeton pusillus) and Aquatic Moss (Musci sp.). Of these species, Tape Grass was the most prevalent species and was noted throughout the majority of the lake’s shoreline at varying density levels – trace to dense. The remaining species were generally limited to the southern portion of the water body at lesser relative abundances. Filamentous algae were also observed; however, their distribution was limited to a minute patch of moderate growth located on the western shoreline.
It should be noted that an invasive emergent vegetation species, Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), was observed at the time of the post-management survey. Left unmanaged, it is likely that this species will continue to proliferate and displace native plant species throughout the lake’s perimeter. Unlike native emergent vegetation, this exotic invader offers little value as shelter or food for wildlife.
For the subsequent management season, Lycott recommends continued monitoring and management of nuisance aquatic vegetation, as well as pioneer infestations of invasive vegetation species, should they arise in Lake George. In addition to aquatic vegetation, we recommend management of the invasive emergent species Purple Loosestrife. Presently, this species is restricted to three minute patches; therefore, physical removal methods (i.e., cutting and pulling the plant immediately prior to seed formulation) will likely serve as an effective control measure to preclude this species expansion throughout the lake’s shoreline.
If you have any questions regarding the 2013 Year-End Report, please feel free to contact our office.
Sincerely, William E. Stevenson President
Impacts and Threats Posed by Bladderwort & other Aquatic Weeds
* Swollen Bladderwort is a competitive plant that has the potential to displace native
species, reduce biodiversity, hamper recreational uses, reduce real estate value, diminish aesthetic values, and decrease water quality.
* Once established, Swollen Bladderwort may negatively impact and out-compete
native vegetation. Fish and animals that were dependent on the native vegetation
must relocate or perish, leading to a decline in biodiversity.
* Floating mats of Swollen Bladderwort can greatly impede boaters, fisherman,
water skiers and swimmers, and these limitations on water use can negatively
impact real estate values.
* The dense large mats of vegetation on the water surface may also intercept
sunlight to the exclusion of other submerged plants.
* Sediment levels may increase with increasing Swollen Bladderwort abundance. When dense mats of Swollen Bladderwort decay, the available oxygen in the
water may be depleted. The resulting low oxygen conditions (anoxic) can lead to
fish kills and harm other aquatic organisms.
Tape Grass
Filamentous algae
White Water Lily Yellow Water Lily Snailseed Pondweed
Southern Naiad Watershield
Feedback from Residents
Hello Bill: We have resided on Shore Drive in Wales year-round since 1982.
Some time in the 1980's we saw that the shoreline and coves were beginning
to have weed growth. As the years past, the coves were filled with lily
pads, the lily pads were growing along the shore, and other types of weeds
were growing in the lake. The most southerly cove, which is where we
reside, was covered with so many lily pads, that some people could not
launch their boats from their property. Boats with motors would end up
chopping up the weeds which would then float to the shoreline. The weeds
would also get caught in boat motors and boat anchors. We felt that the
lake was dying. The aquatic nuisance treatments have improved the quality
of the lake, the fish are abundant, and we continue to support the Lake
Association's efforts to maintain Lake George. Thank you for your commitment
to the maintaining beautifull Lake George. Sincerely, Michael Palumbo and
Bonnie Karas
Hi Bill, Buddy Ramah here. Hope your winter went well. Sorry, but I can’t put my hand on any old school lake pictures. But I can tell you that I’ve been enjoying Lake George since 1971 and to my best recollection, the visible vegetation in and on the lake has been dramatically reduced compared to years ago. I can remember our southernmost cove being virtually covered with flowering lily pads. Also, in late summer one could see the tips of “milfoil” at the surface of the water only to be chewed and chopped up by propellers on a daily basis. How do I remember this so vivid? Because I was the one along with my father-in-law Vic who had to use the iron rake to skim piles and piles of the clippings off the water that eventually and always made their way to our shoreline! I live in Southwick and frequent Lake Congamond, long ago affectionately coined “Lake Congamuck”. Over the past years the CRC (Citizens Restoring Congamond) committee, has done a marvelous job in regularly treating the 3 lakes there to a point where there is minimal vegetation. The water kicked up in one’s wake is very clear and mint green, a very refreshing and appealing site. Last Labor Day, apparently there was alcohol involved, but I found myself swimming near shore and I could see crystal clear 4’ down. If the efforts to minimize Lake George’s vegetation could even come close to the Congamond results, I say keep up the good work! See you soon, Bud.